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Lucky ZOne

Lucky ZOne

Pokemon Go *New Features*

Hi, how are you all.. so nowadays we're all playing Pokemon Go. At least I'm playing it. It just got released and has a few features but there are many new things coming our way. 
If you have seen the gameplay trailer video on their official page you'll see some cool new stuff that we cant wait to have our hands on. Ill show you the features in order of my favorite first to least favorite last.

1.Pokemon Trading

So if you have a lot of different/rare Pokemon's and if you want some rare but you cant catch them in your area why not just trade it with a friend? As a pokemon card gamer, at some point in your life you must have trade pokemon cards.. The game is also going to introduce that feature soon.

2.Friends Battling

This one feature is must. Its so hard to first register a pokemon in gym then battle it and also you don't actually defend the gym its based on pokemon level and type if someone from a higher level will challenge you'll loose the gym. Sometimes its all about battling with the friends and thats the real fun.

3.Better Navigation System

We all know the current navigation system is so hard. In the gameplay video we see a better and efficient gameplay Navigation system hope we get it soon.


I don't want this feature. The game is already in pieces by making 3 different teams which aren't even equal some teams have more people some have a few and that's stupid. At least they should make equilibrium in teams. Each team should have 33% members.

Also Gym Customizations, New Pokemon's and more AR stuff is coming. You guys tell what do u want more in Pokemon Go?


Blogger said...

Still not playing Pokemon Go? Download The Latest Version (Available for iOS and Android)