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Zakir Naik - The True Muslim



Zakir Naik was born on October 18,1965 in Mumbai, India and is of Konkani descent.[3] He attended St. Peter's High School (ICSE) in the city of Mumbai. Later he joined the Kishinchand Chellaram College and then studied medicine at the Karnatak Lingayat Education Society's premier institute, the J. N. Medical College in Belgaum on a donation seat before tranferring to the Topiwala National Medical College and Nair Hospital in Mumbai. He then received his MBBS degree from the University of Mumbai. In 1991 he gave up his activity as a medical doctor and started working in the field of Da'wah or proselytizing of Islam.[4] His father Abdul Karim Naik is also a physician in Mumbai with a consular practice. He is on the medical panel of Gulf consulates and certifies immigrant workers seeking employment in those countries .

Naik says he was inspired by the late Ahmed Deedat[5] who had himself been active in the field of Da'wah (Islamic proselytism) for more than forty years[6]. According to Naik, his goal is to "concentrate on the educated Muslim youth who have become apologetic about their own religion and have started to feel that their own religion is outdated"[7] and that it was the duty of every Muslim to remove "misconceptions" about Islam to counter what he considers as the Western media’s anti-Islamic bias in the aftermath of September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks upon the United States.[8] He has lectured and authored several books on Islam and Comparative religion[9] as well as those directed towards removing misconceptions about Islam.[10][11] Some of his articles are also frequently published in Indian magazines like the Islamic Voice.[12][13][14]

Thomas Blom Hansen, a sociologist who held academic positions at various universities, has written that Naik's style of memorizing the Qur'an and hadith literature in various languages, and travelling abroad to debate Islam with theologians, has made him extremely popular in Muslim circles. Although he usually speaks to audiences of several hundreds, it is the videotapes of his talks which are widely distributed. His talks are usually recorded in English, to be broadcast at weekends on several cable networks in Mumbai's Muslim neighborhoods,[7] and on the channel Peace TV, which he co-promotes. [2][15] Topics he speaks on include: "Islam and Modern Science", "Islam and Christianity", and "Islam and secularism", among others.[7]

SoME QUESTiONS FrOm Zakir Naik Answered

In conveying the message of Islam to a non-Muslim, it is usually not sufficient to highlight only the positive nature of Islam. Most non-Muslims are not convinced about the truth of Islam because there are a few questions about Islam at the back of their minds that remain unanswered.
They may agree with your contentions about the positive nature of Islam. But, in the same breath, they will say - "Ah! But you are the same Muslims who marry more than one woman. You are the same people who subjugate women by keeping them behind the veil. You are fundamentalists, etc."

I personally prefer asking the non-Muslim upfront, what he feels is wrong in Islam. I prefer asking directly, what they feel is wrong in Islam with their limited knowledge, whether right or wrong and from whichever source it may be. I encourage them to be very frank and open and convince them that I can take criticism about Islam.

In the past few years of my Da’wah experience, I have realized that there are barely twenty most common questions that a common non-Muslim has regarding Islam. Whenever you ask a non-Muslim, "what do you feel is wrong with Islam?", he poses five or six questions, and these questions invariably fall among the twenty most common questions.

Logical replies can convince the majority

The twenty most common questions about Islam can be answered with reason and logic. A majority of non-Muslims can be convinced with these answers. If a Muslim memorizes or simply remembers these answers, Inshallah he will be successful, if not in convincing non-Muslims about the complete truth of Islam, then at least in removing misconceptions about Islam and neutralizing the negative thinking about Islam and Muslims that the non-Muslims have. A very few non-Muslims may have counter arguments to these replies, for which further information may be required.

Lectures, debates and controversies

Delivering a lecture titled Why Westerners embrace Islam in November 2002 at King Fahd Hospital auditorium in Jeddah, Zakir Naik argued that Islam offers practical solutions to various problems facing the West such as adultery, alcoholism and filial ingratitude. Naik also stated that "despite the strident anti-Islam campaign, 34,000 Americans have embraced Islam from September 2001 to July 2002." He cites a report published in the Time Magazine which said that about 60,000 books on Islam and the Orient have been written between 1800 and 1950 alone. [16] [17]

One of the featured activities at the 2000 Chicago ICNA Conference (a gathering of American Muslims) was a debate on the topic, The Quran & the Bible in the Light of Modern Science. A Christian scholar, William Campbell, took on Naik for over three hours. Both sides parsed verses from the Bible and the Qur'an. Campbell and Naik each pointed out perceived errors in the other's Holy Scripture.[2].

In 2004, Naik visited New Zealand[18] and then Australian capitals at the invitation of Islamic Information and Services Network of Australasia. In his conference in Melbourne, according to journalist Sushi Das, "Naik extolled the moral and spiritual superiority of Islam and lampooned other faiths and the West in general," adding that Naik's words "fostered a spirit of separateness and reinforced prejudice." [19] Khushwant Singh, a prominent Indian journalist, argues that Naik's pronouncements are "juvenile" and said that "they seldom rise above the level of undergraduate college debates, where contestants vie with each other to score brownie points".[20][21] Political Analyst Khaled Ahmed considers that Zakir Naik, by his claims of Islam's superiority over other religious faiths, practices what he calls reverse Orientalism. [22] In a lecture at Melbourne University, Naik argued that only Islam, gave women true equality.[23] He stressed the importance of the headscarf by arguing that "revealing Western dress" makes women more susceptible to rape.[24] Naik asserted that about 2700 rapes took place daily in the United States. Under Islam, he said, a man who raped a woman was punished with the death penalty.[23]

An Inter - Religious dialogue for Spiritual Enlightenment was held on the 21st of January 2006 at Bengaluru between Zakir Naik and founder of Art of Living, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar on the topic The Concept of God in Hinduism and Islam, In the light of sacred scriptures. This was by far the biggest Inter - Religious Dialog in which Naik participated where more than 50,000 people attended.[25]

In August 2006, Naik's visit and conference in Cardiff (UK) were the object of controversy when Welsh MP David Davies called for his appearance to be cancelled. Mr Davies had branded cleric Dr Naik a 'hate-monger' for calling for the execution of Muslims who reject their faith and for branding Americans 'pigs' and said his views did not deserve a 'public platform'. Muslims from Cardiff, however, defended Naik's right to speak in their city. Saleem Kidwai, Secretary General of the Muslim Council of Wales, disagreed with Davies, stating that "people who know about him (Naik) know that he is one of the most uncontroversial persons you could find. He talks about the similarities between religions, and how should we work on the common ground between them", whilst also inviting Davies to discuss further with Naik personally in the conference. The conference went ahead, after the Cardiff council stated it was satisfied that he would not be preaching extremist views.[26][27] Following a lecture by Pope Benedict XVI in September 2006, Naik offered to engage in a live public debate with him, but the Pope has not responded to this invitation.[28][29]

In November 2007, the IRF organized a 10-day international Islamic conference and exhibition titled The Peace Conference at the Somaiya grounds in Mumbai. Lectures on Islam were presented by Naik as well as twenty other speakers.[30] During one of the lectures, Naik provoked anger amongst members of the Shia and major Sunni communities at the conference when he mentioned the words “Radiallah ta'la anho” (meaning 'May Allah be pleased with him') after mentioning the name of Yazid I and made remarks that the battle of Karbala was political.[30][31] Others however believed the comment was blown out of proportion.[32]

In a lecture delivered on 31st July 2008 on Peace TV, Naik argued that 9/11 was an insider's job done by George Bush himself so that Bush could then attack oil-rich countries.[33][34]



As Salamu Alaikum

Brother, I know not everyone has to agree with Zakir Naik, his position of saying (ra) beside Yazid's name was something that Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz (ra), who even Shiites have respect for, used to say (this is according to Lisân al-Mîzân from ibn Hijar (ra) 6:294), though the Caliph, may Allah be pleased with him, flogged anyone who said Amir ul-Momineen in reference to Yazid.

Dr. Naik goes on to say "there are differences of opinion" though we don't see how he was speaking about was in praise of Yazid?, Than he goes and says "it was a political war that was fought"...why is the rest of the Video Cut-off? How do we know what exactly he meant by it? Was his intention to disrespect the Grandson (may Allah be pleased with him) of the Prophet (salalahu alahi wasalam)? no !!

How many of us besides the Daw'ah organizations that exist can go and speak infront of hundreds and thousands and preach about Islam, handle hundreds of questions or attacks against Islam, even to Hindus?

Let's not be slanderers, but rather verify what he really meant, what his actual position is before we end up regretting!

"O you who believe! If a Fâsiq (liar – evil person) comes to you with any news, verify it, lest you should harm people in ignorance, and afterwards you become regretful for what you have done." (Qur'an 49:6)

If you can provide more information, details that would be helpful insh'Allah.

Allah knows best.

i myself

Zakir naik said in his speech that "YAZID" May Allah be pleased with him

"note that he said "Radiallah ta'la anho"

why because yazid is himself someone relates to Umar ibn Abdul-Aziz

whom shiyas also respect for.. and thus he said him all that..

In short this is all because of may people hates the

teaching of zakir naik.

and after all that what he said he cleared all in his speech.


we have our brain to think ...

so think.. that

if a muslim person by sending the message of allah to everyone

and at least he make 100 people accept islam is doing the job

every muslim should do

then how come he be wrong?

Ask yourself..

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