Lucky Zone

Lucky ZOne

Lucky ZOne

Dr Lucky - ZOolOgy and SpicE guide

Hi to everyone first.. second is that how are you all? well this is dr lucky formally known as lucky.. :) so.. why you are reading this? because i am going away you a guide.. well we have to start our day with a funny laugh.. that's what a doctor want their patients to do.. LAUGH LAUGH AND LAUGH.. we start with a joke Three men go on holiday abroad together. The tourist office informs them that there is only one hotel in town with vacancies. The lads go along there, only to be told by reception that there is just one available room left in the hotel. They are not keen, but as it is their only option, they take the room for one evening and share its only bed.
That night, they all enjoy a good night's sleep. In the morning, the guy on the right side of the bed says,
"I dreamt I had the best wank last night."
The guy on the left side says,
"That's funny, I had the exact same dream!".
The guy in the middle says, "I dreamt I was skiing."
hahaha... leave it.. well i am not doctor "Oak" From pOkemon but i found some species of dogemon wanna see?
here take a loOk..
and yeah if you have a elephant friend how can you have fun with him/her and
how to hide him/her from your parents..
lets see.. my zOolOgy Guide

Hiding Tip #1

wOw.. elephant carMe Up he is Down

hmmm now days reading news is important
Lets Surf Buddy
hmmm... i dont think mom can see him/her now

Prefect fit