Scrap Flooder script
   | Install the script. Open your friends scrapbook. A prompt appear asking for the sentence. If you DONOT want to flood the scrapbook, just press CANCEL. If you want to flood the scrapbook, Press OK. To stop flooding, Close the window. Recommended: Uninstall the script after flooding. | Install |
No Donut for you
    | This script auto refreshes the page when it sees "No Donut for you" message by Orkut. You need not uninstall this script. | Install |
Colourful Scrapflooder
   | This script floods your or your friends scrapbook with single scrap with different colours. Open your friends scrapbook. A prompt appear asking for the sentence. If you DONOT want to flood the scrapbook, just press CANCEL. If you want to flood the scrapbook, Press OK. To stop flooding, Close the window. Recommended: Uninstall the script after flooding. | Install |
Scrap book searcher
     | This script allows the user to search for a particular keyword in his/her scrapbook. The script search for the keyword in the present page. If the keyword is found, it highlights the word in RED colour. If the keyword is not found, it automatically goes to the next page and continues the search until the keyword is found. | Install |
Community Topic searcher
     | This script allows the user to search for a particular keyword in a comunity topic. The script search for the keyword in the present page. If the keyword is found, it highlights the word in RED colour. If the keyword is not found, it automatically goes to the next page and continues the search until the keyword is found. | Install |
Fan Flooder
     | This trick is no more working and hence moved to archive. | Install |
Orkut Scrapper 2.0.4
     | This extension helps Orkuting easier! . This has lots of features which enables scrapping easier.Some of the features are listed here: Link Access: Orkut Scrapper allows users to visit their friends (and enemies) scrapbook and album, or simply send them a quick email or teaser. Font Styles: Not only can users change the color of their fonts when scrapping friends, they can also also change the size as well! But the best feature is that it allows users to send messages using their favorite font styles, an option I wish Google's blogger gave to users. Translation Tools: Supports 10 indian languages for scrapping.This is a feature desperately needed on Orkut (and needed very quick!). Although only translating India's main languages, this can be quite useful for those people whose first language is not English or Portuguese. | Install |
Orkut Toolbar 1.2
    | Orkut Toolbar helps you to format the text of your posts in the Orkut forums. With Orkut Toolbar all you need is type your entire text without any formatting code and then select the desired parts of text and apply the format using the toolbar buttons. Much like you do in OpenOffice, MS Word or any other text editor. | Install |
Scrapbook flooder
    | This script will add a "Start flooding" button to every scrapbook. When you click this button, it asks for no of scraps to flood (max 400). Once started, it scraps the target scrapbook rapidly. | Install |
Make Orkut beautiful
   | This script will be updated asap. This script will modify 'Who do you know' picture on Orkut home page. You will see this beautiful picture at that place. | Install |
Mexer (Moving scrap)
  | This script will move your scrap or community message. All you have to do is surround the text with [mexer]...[/mexer] tags (same like orkut tags). The viewer must also have this script installed. | Install |
Add a signature
By OUG | This script will add a signature to your scraps or community responses. Install the script. Open Firefox. Go to Tools -> Greasemonkey -> Manage User Scripts Select 'Auto Signature' from the list. Click on Edit. Modify 'karaki' to your name. Save the file after modifying. | Install |
One click Add to friend list
    | This script will allow you to add a friend with just a click of button. When you install this script, you will see a [F] beside every user on Orkut. When you click on this [F], you will dierectly taken to the confirmation screen. Press YES to accept as friend. | Install |
Barre de
     | Don't get confused with the name of this script. I just suggest you to install this script. This script is another form of MyOrkut with all important links and inbuilt scrap formatter. | Install |
Orkut Enhancer
By Vijay | This script, when installed, shows a few options like [S], [A], [M] at end of each profile name. They are used as shortcuts for Scrapbook, Album, Send Message respectively. | Install |
Show image in scrapbook
   | This script, when installed, converts image links in orkut to images itself. If someone post a image link in scrapbook or community message, you can directly see the image instead of link. | Install |
Iframe in Orkut
    | This script, when installed, puts a '+' sign before every link in any scrapbook or comm message. When you click on that '+' sign, it directly opens the webpage in a iframe. You need not leave orkut or open a new page for viewing the links. | Install |
Scrap checker
     | This script, when installed, gives a link 'Refresh scraps' on the top menu of orkut. When this link is clicked, the page doesn't refresh but just the link refreshes. It will show you the number of scraps in your scrapbook. If you find that the count increased, click on the same link to directly go to your scrabook (no matter where ever you are on orkut). | Install |
Aamiz Write
By Aamiz | This script, when installed, shows few links at the bottom of text box in scrapbook or community post. The links include Encrypt or Decrypt message, 4 cool fonts, make your scrap colourful and a hot link to Orkutrix! This script also changes image links to images in scrapbooks and community posts. | Install |
Add a Signature
By Aamiz | This script, when installed, shows a small link called 'Signature' below every text box. When you press it, you signature will be added at the end of the scrap or community post. This script also works in 'Reply' text box in you scrapbook. This script is not compatible with MyOrkut. That means, if you are using MyOrkut, this script doesn't work. To modify the script, download it on your desktop and open it with notepad. Modify "Your Name" in 14th line to your name. Save the script and install it (See instruction on the top). | Install |
Videos in scrap
| This script is applicable only for Youtube videos. This script, after installed, turns the youtube videos link into video inside the page which you are viewing. Online video takes time to stream. Hence wait for the video to start. | Install |
Orkut Helper 4.0
By Anish | This script will create a right click menu for all profiles in Orkut. This add on will create links to all option of a profile with a single right click. Orkut Helper allows users to watch video's, see images, and place a link to your scrapbook on the Orkut menu bar at the top. Animated smileys. For more details, click here. | Install |
MyOrkut link in Orkut
| This script, after installed, puts links to MyOrkut and Orkutrix at the top menu of Orkut. The links appear right after News in top menu. This script also adds New Topic and Unjoin links to all Community links. | Install |
TIO MP3 Player
By TIO | Introdoucing TIO mp3 player , listen and play your favourites mp3 songs anywhere in Orkut. All you need to do is install a small greasemonkey script. After Installing The Script paste any link to mp3 in your scrapbook and refresh. | Install |
By Hugo Cesar Pessotti | This is script creates shortcuts to scrapbook, album and videos of any profiles. This also create Reply and Last page links for any community topics. After Installing The Script when you place your cursor on any profile or community link, a small drop down menu appear with the above said options. This script gives you easy navigation on Orkut saving lots of time. | Install |
Medal in your profile
By UNKNOWN | Orkut certifies few exclusive profiles with medals in their name. An example is Krish Srikanth's profile. This is script for getting the medal in your profile. After Installing The Script you (yes, only Yourself) can see the medal and two play cards beside your name which looks like exclusive profile by Orkut. | Install |
Scrap Deleter
| This script when installed deletes the scraps in your scrapbook rapidly. Open your scrapbook after installing this script. The script starts deleting all the scraps from the first/last page of scrapbook (according to the script installed). The scraps will be deleted in the order of First in First out. Uninstall the script after deleting all your scraps. | Install |
Add Related by community ID
| Install the script and go to your community to add the related communities,there you can see CMM with a textbox,Enter the id of the community amd Press ADD. Now you are done!! The community id which oyu have entered will be added to your community. Install this script only if you are the owner of any community. | Install |
Delete Multiple Friend's
| You can Delete Multiple Friend's(Mass Deleter) at a time This is for those who have to their friend's from the list,its very difficult to delete one by one.Use this script to delete multiple friend's at a time. | Install |
View First and Last Post
| You can easily view first and last posts of any community with single click.You dont need to enter into the community and check the topics.This is very easy method to view the posts. This script makes to view the posts easier. | Install |
Orkut Quote
By Bruno Leonardo Michels | It simply Quotes the message in your reply, to which you are replying. This GM script makes it easier for an Orkutter to reply and target a message to it's creator. In short it means that you can now easily reply to any message in Orkut Communities and target your reply to a particular person! | Install |
Orkut Stylex by DSSR
| This Script has eleven different types of text generators with encrypted and decrypted generators. This Stylex makes orkutting looks kool with different style Generators. | Install |
By Pass Orkut Image Verification by Sergio Abreu
| Let me tell You the core Part: http& #58;//www& #46;orkut& #46;com and are one and the same thing!. The only difference being that the first one is a Dead Link while the other one is Alive. Active Link: Dead Link: | Install |
Quick Adder by DSSR
| This script will allow you to add with just a single click. When you are sending friend add request or accepting friend request you need to just click Add a Friend for sending request or Yes for accepting request,then it automatically goes to next page(Home Page). | Install |
Profile Creator by NoBody
| Orkut Has Changed the Code's,Install the script again. You just need enter captcha and enter the account count number. creates one fake in 5-10 seconds ,adds a community and profile of your choice ,works with new theme INITIAL SETTINGS var cmmid="37213091"; var uid="1311718093618435151"; var fname="Orkutrix"; var lname="OUG"; var email1="nb"; var email2=""; var password="mrnobodyrulz"; var c="91"; for eg: If email id is and type nb in email1 and in email2. Rest all fields are self explanatory, To start enable the user.js and click logout button enter the account no. in the prompt box it does not increase the count by one, you have to do it manually then enter captcha,click enter just wait, it will fill all forms automatically and adds the community and profile, it automatically logs out and becomes ready for next account count to be entered. So it all together only 2 clicks, one for account count and another for captcha. DO NOT FORGET TO DISABLE THE SCRIPT AND THEN LOG INTO ORKUT. | Install |
Rapid Message Deleter by Devils Workshop
| This script would come in handy if you have thousands of junk messages lying in your inbox and you are sick of deleting them manually. Keep your Inbox clean with this script and thanks to Rahul owner of Devils Workshop for such a nice script. | Install |
Fontexx for ScrapBook by DSSR
| This script will give you different fonts,as html is enabled in orkut lately these fonts will work superbly.The code for the fonts will be like Orkutrix. There are many other fonts like Brush,Comic,Brita,Alger,Impact,Lucida,Arial,Matura,Widel and Playb. We can even change font size in the code mentioned above for making text large. Click here to install another script to get these fonts even on communities. | Install |
Automatically Go to Last Topic by Praveen Reddy
| when we post a reply, we wish to see the reply rather than navigating to the first page of the topic.So this script takes care of the issue, taking us to the last page of a topic in which we reply. This will make a easier way to check the latest posts. | Install |
Image in Signature by Aamiz
| This script will add a button that will add a image as a signature automatically without any captcha's. Just you need to upload your picture in any publisher's like,edit and update the script with the picture you wanted to place as a signature.. You need not enter any captcha's.Happy Orkutting!! | Install |
Add GTalk gadget inside Orkut by gaurav Varma
| Gaurav Verma over at his blog has posted a grease monkey script which adds gtalk to your orkut pages. If you remember, some time back we posted a similar script which included gtalk in your orkut pages. The only difference in the two is, this one is for the New Orkut theme and is beautifully placed aligned with the right sidebar. You need to have macromedia flash installed to use this. | Install |
Add Picassa Slideshow on Orkut Profile by gaurav Varma
| Orkut had added the support for adding your picasa album feeds to orkut profile page,but lets admit, its very minimal.You go to a friends page and then click on picasa feed link which displays picasa albums inside orkut and if you still want to browse you have to click on album link which takes you to the picasa page.This script minimises all these steps through which you can see the album directly. This script checks whether the profile page you are visiting has added picasa photo feed to his profile and if he/she had then it adds a slideshow to show all the public photos of the user whose profile you are visiting. with captions | Install |
Add Template to your Scrap by Dr.shubhchintak
| As Orkut has enabled html codes in the scrapbook,we are playing with that.Hers is another script which add's template to your scrap with a single click. This script will add a template with a border line and with a golden background color.We can even change the font,font size and background color by editing the script. Here is the another script for Red Aqua template background. | Install |
Glitter Toolbar by Dr.shubhchintak
| This script will add a toolbar with a special glitter text which add's text with different style's of text in a scrap and it also contains button's for bold,italicand bold italic. We can even set the color's for the scrap and add loads of smilies in the scrapbook. | Install |
Keyboard Shortcuts For Orkut by Rohit
| This user script gives us the option to use keyboard shortcuts for orkut, spicing up the orkutting experience. Just wonder where ever you are on orkut, just a ctrl+shift+s would open your scrapbook. Now, here are the keyboard shortcuts you can use, 1. Home : Ctrl + Shift + H 2. Scrapbook : Ctrl + Shift + S 3. Communities : Ctrl + Shift + C 4. Friends : Ctrl + Shift + F 5. Edit Profile : Ctrl + Shift + E | Install |
Yahoo and MSN Smilies by Orkut Don & Omkar
| Script is Updated by OrkutDon.This Script will add both (Yahoo and MSN) the smilies even while replying scrap's. This script will add a Yahoo smilies below the scrapbook which makes the scrapbook look much better than original smilies which we use regularlyl. This script will add MSN Smilies. Another script by $Drshubhchintak called BigSmiley in Orkut.These smilies are quite different from yahoo and msn. These smilies are updated in photobucket,so when you click on any smiley ,the link of photobucket is posted in your scrapbook ,now when you submit you need not enter any captcha for these smiley links.This makes scrapping smilies easier. | Install |
Add an Ajaxified Dictionary on Orkut by Gaurav Verma
| Gaurav Verma has written a very interesting script which adds an ajaxified dictionary to assist you on orkut.This adds a mini search for the words you want to find a meaning for, very neatly and conveniently. This works for scraps and community topics.. | Install |
Post to All Communities by Vijay
| This greasemonkey script Post to All Communities was developed by Vijay. This userscript posts a message on all the communities that you have joined. Just change the following two lines in the postallcommunities.user.js file after downloading it from the specified location: document.getElementById("subject").value="The subject of your post"; document.getElementById("messageBody").value="The message body of your post"; In the message body, you can introduce new lines by typing "\r\n" wherever you want a new line. For example, "This is line 1\r\nThis is line 2" will make the post in two different lines. After making the changes, drag and drop the postallcommunities.user.js file into the firefox window, and install the script. To get the script running, just visit is the "Communities" page in orkut, the posting will start automatically. If you want to stop the posting, just click on "Home" and uninstall the userscript. | Install |
All In One Scraper by Debajyoti
| This is a very new scrapper script developed by Debajyoti, and has many cool functionalities. They include: ScrapAll Friends (350 approx), ScrapAll Selected Friends, Multiple Scraps for each friends (more than one scrap to a frnd during scrapall), Multiple Scraps To Multiple Friends (Multiple Friend Flooder), Only Few Seconds To Load, In Name Input, No Ads*. |
Install |
Enable HTML in Communities by Mr.NoBody
| Install |
View Locked Scrapbook by Death Eater and Rodrigo
| Lately Orkut has given a option of hiding a scrapbook for those who are not in the friend's list,but Death Eater has broken that security with his mozilla script. Thanks to Death Eater and Rodrigo for their excellent work in breaking the security,now we can view all the scrapbook's which are locked. | Install |
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